... frolicking in the autumn mist, that is. The last few days have been foggy in the mornings and then quite summery in the afternoon (sounds like I'm describing a person, not the weather... I know I'm quite foggy most mornings!).
Normally I'm in a great rush to get on the road and get to the client early and get started. Such was the case a few weeks ago on a foggy morning and in my rush I passed up some great pictures. The more I thought about it the more bummed I was that I didn't stop. So this morning when I came over the first ridge and could see the river fog lying down in the valleys, I just had to stop. Actually had to stop a couple of times.
OK... maybe it was three or four times....
The trip home this evening was FAST. I don't normally exceed the speed limit by that much, but tonight traffic was flying... both on Rt 34 and Rts. 11/15. I just hung back aways from some vehicles that were cruising along, although still sometimes being passed by people in a REAL HURRY! The motorcycle feels different at closer to 70 than it does at 60... at higher rpm's the engine just smooths out and almost feels electric.
I mentioned before that when I get home the dogs are happy to see me... THIS is what that looks like...
This is Toodie, our Australian Shepherd and she has brought me her (mangled) soccer ball which she would like me to throw, whereupon she will bring it back and want me to throw it again, and again, and again...
Still, it's good to be home.
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